Risk Management & Trading - Managed Services

Execution, Consulting Risk Management and Trading tools

Reap the benefits of our seasoned bookmakers team and advanced risk management tools . Our cost-efficient, diverse risk management service safeguard against fraud and enable both the scalability and profitability of your operations thus maximizing your business growth.

Providing you with 24/7 personnel coverage & operator support.

Our services include Execution on a monthly basis, Consulting in designing the process, safeguarding from abusers, maximizing margins and providing guidance for the necessary Risk Management and Trading tools. These three elements could cover the whole lifecycle of successful CRM operations. You could choose the level of support you need based on your objectives.

Execution services

Dedicated Project Manager and a team of professionals

24/7 personnel coverage and operator support

User labeling and activities reporting on a daily basis


Consulting services

We can support you on setting your operations with highly-effective consulting sessions in designing your mechanism, developing an in-house team, setting up a strategy and supporting on developing various processes.
